The Spoonbill Generator

Gorgon Cookies

Just imagine thirteen cakes aglitter in the night:       [Apsley ]

And if you can, I'll put you right       [asdf ]

At least, I might       [Beefy ]

Just imagine Michael Moore chomping on Noam Chomsky:       [F ]

While Yankee Doodle rides a donkey       [Beefy ]

That clapped-out honky       [Apsley ]

Just imagine Amber's shadows spread throughout the night       [Beefy ]

And, if you can, my catamite       [Roland ]

Dressed all in white       [Apsley ]

Just imagine poets working hand in hand in hand       [Beefy ]

And if you can, I'll put you right       [Helen Owly ]

Yeah, right       [Beefy ]

Contributors: Apsley, asdf, Beefy, F, Roland, Helen Owly.
Poem finished: 23rd February 2005 by Roland.