The Spoonbill Generator

Daily Porkish

Pork, to sample - on a spoon       [Apsley ]

Beyond the law's regard       [olaf ]

And beneath a perfect moon       [Apsley ]

Within a perfect yard       [Chevalier ]

How often, as the inches grip       [olaf ]

Do witches in the noonlight skip       [Chevalier ]

Scarcely ever, by the Rood!       [olaf ]

Though not for want of lust       [Apsley ]

Or lack of appetising food       [Chevalier ]

Compounded by disgust       [olaf ]

How seldom, as the barn-owl flits,       [Apsley ]

Do witches fly to far St Kitts       [Chevalier ]

Almost never, by mine hand!       [olaf ]

They do not care to roam       [Chevalier ]

Beneath the sea, across the land       [olaf ]

Or in the path of brome,       [Apsley ]

How frequently do folk espy       [olaf ]

Warlocks baked in a wholesome pie?       [Apsley ]

Contributors: Apsley, olaf, Chevalier.
Poem finished: 16th March 2007 by olaf.