The Spoonbill Generator

Sleeping is no Phenomenon

Tinctures of old lead       [Apsley ]

A serpent in a tree       [Surlaw ]

A pair a-coupling there       [Apsley ]

Concealed for all to see       [Surlaw ]

Prioress out for love       [Apsley ]

May day dawning       [Surlaw ]

In December's wake       [Apsley ]

Silence on demand       [Surlaw ]

For Geoffrey in his lair       [Apsley ]

Whose blossom, when it falls       [Surlaw ]

Upon his silken hair,       [Apsley ]

Betrays those up above       [Surlaw ]

All day yawning       [Apsley ]

While the tree doth shake       [Surlaw ]

Contributors: Apsley, Surlaw.
Poem finished: 28th March 2007 by Apsley.