The Spoonbill Generator

Night Thoughts

When o'er the willows whipporwills       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Cry softly in the dusk       [Juan of the Pines]

Their sobs will yield to hipper thrills       [Kansas Sam]

They've gobbled all the Gipper's pills       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

With half the rye that Tipper swills       [Kansas Sam]

And chew'd upon the rusk       [Nym]

They smack into the windowpanes       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

And plummet to the earth       [Nym]

And nothing but their cry remains       [dkb]

While on the glass, those bloody stains       [Nym]

From where the birdies beaned their brains       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Give squirrels no end of mirth       [Kansas Sam]

They fall into the chipper chute       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Emerge as crimson straw       [Chevalier]

Their shards, though like the Gipper: mute       [Helen Owly]

Are snorted up like Tipper's toot       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Though shoddy sub for hipper fruit       [Kansas Sam]

From Shangri-la-de-da       [Kevin Andrew Murphy]

Contributors: Kevin Andrew Murphy, Juan of the Pines, Kansas Sam, Nym, dkb, Chevalier, Helen Owly.
Poem finished: 16th June 2006 by Chevalier.