The Spoonbill Generator presents |
Songs written by Procol Harum |
This page lists all the songs written by Procol Harum members we know from the available set lists to have been performed by the band in concert.
There is a separate listing of the non-original music performed.
See also The 50 most often performed songs in each era.
Singles: A sides |
Singles: B sides |
Procol Harum |
Shine On Brightly |
A Salty Dog |
Home |
Broken Barriacdes |
Grand Hotel |
Exotic Birds & Fruit |
Procol's Ninth |
Something Magic |
The Prodigal Stranger |
The Well's on Fire |
Novum |
Songs not on official studio albums |
Songs from solo albums |
(by Gary Brooker unless stated otherwise)
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